Easter Bunnies and Easter People
The time of the Easter bunnies and chocolate over-indulgence is upon us! I’m not going to knock that. It does make Easter special and trying to grasp what Easter really is about is no mean feat. When Jesus rises from the dead, God is not saying that ‘everything is alright now,’ as though Jesus has kissed everything better when he died. In a very real sense, sin, pain, difficulties and challenges are still around and within us. So what has happened? Jesus in his dying and rising has really changed reality, has overcome sin and offers eternal life, and wants to transform the world – but it is through us and through each of our individual lives. You and me, even if we think we are not very important at all.
How can we do this? By being kind with no expectation of return, by forgiving even when people don’t deserve it (knowing that forgiveness isn’t the same as putting up with abuse), by trying to act positively even in bleak situations, by hoping for change when nothing seems to be happening. In short, the power of “Easter” is to transform the lead of our lives into the gold of God’s grace.
Loving Father, send us your Spirit that we may know how to let the new life of Jesus shine in our lives. We ask this in his name, confident that you will hear us.
Sr Kym Harris osb