What type of Saint would you make?
Before you laugh, no wait till you finish laughing and then think. If the person you imagined yourself to be seems staid or boring, stop and wonder why. We tend to think that being good closes us down and makes us dull. But what happens to you when someone loves you deeply and passionately? Looks out for your best interests? Encourages you to be the best person you can be? You certainly don’t become boring. You become your best, brightest and most loving self.
‘Think of the love that God has lavished on us.’ That is the essence of our Christian faith. Saints are people who live their lives believing that to be true. They live lives lavished in love. Basing their lives on God’s love for them, they can be loving to the unlovable and do things others deem difficult or impossible. In other words, they live their lives dancing to the music of God’s love.
This week the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints, all the wonderful people who have lived their lives by love. Let us celebrate these great ‘lovers’ we have known and try to live by them. As we face challenging situations, we can think, ‘I am lavished by God’s love’ and let that love inspire us to do things differently. When we feel fear, we can say to ourselves, ‘I am wrapt in God’s love,’ and step out across our fears. When we feel dull and boring, we can imagine how God wants us to be lavished in divine love.
Loving God, you lavish me with your love. Let me rest in that love, be inspired by that love and then show that love to those around me, especially my family. Let me become the saint you want me to be.
Sr Kym Harris osb