November is a time when Catholics traditionally pray for their dead. This is not an invitation into doom, gloom and ghoulishness but rather a celebration of love that truly is stronger than death. With death we are separated from our loved ones for a time. We know little of what happens to them except that they enter more deeply into the love of God. We believe that they continue to grow into the fullness of God’s love and that by our love and prayer we can help their transformation. We also know that they continue to care for us. While their loving here on earth was hampered by limitations, now that they are freed from the difficulties of this earth, they can love us more passionately than ever. I believe that the love of my parents and grandparents is now more true and stronger that ever and that they have a real influence in my life. Our loved ones pray for us and hold us before the face of God.
This dance of love that we have with our loved ones is part of what it means to be Church. As we hold each other in love, those we know on earth and those who have died, and as we are held in love by them, we enter into our destiny. Made in the image of God, we are made to be Love.
Loving God, your Spirit calls us to the fullness of life which is love. May our departed loved ones know Jesus as the one leading them to life and may we know the assurance of their deepening love for us. We ask this in his name, confident that you will hear us.
Sr Kym Harris osb